Joe Wallace was born in 1952 and grew up in an area of outstanding natural beauty in Worthing, Sussex, England. His youth was spent on a working Farm owned by the Duke of Norfolk, far removed from the day to day industrial and technical ever changing landscape sweeping bomb blitzed England.

Growing up with his two Brothers on the edge of civilisation enabled Joe the freedom to investigate, explore and roam the rolling hills and dense forests from sunrise to sunset. A boys paradise, as timeless as childhood itself. This childhood physical freedom during the formative years enabled Joe to express, create and develop his deep interest in art. Yet, it would be many years later before Joe was free to pursue his ambition and calling.

The door of Joe’s future opened at the tender age of fifteen when his family left the farm and moved to a Town, in order to be closer and more in touch with the essentials of modern day life in the 1960’s. The heady, gyrating, rock beating music of the sixties soon cast it’s spell and Joe was seduced by the music of “The Rolling Stones”. His love affair with the “stones” was cemented and to this day cannot be broken.

Like thousands of young men leaving school, Joe was required to develop a trade and his desire to create something from nothing led to his apprenticeship into Carpentry and Joinery. During his apprenticeship a friend who had recently qualified as a Diver talked endlessly about the wonders of his job, the amazing Countries it took him to and of course the benefits of a healthy and generous pay check every month! His fate was sealed. On completion of his apprenticeship Joe’s life took a different turn and after successfully completing all the required Diving Courses Joe moved to Dubai and from this base he travelled to virtually every corner of the world to pursue a career in Diving.

During one of his Dives in Dubai, Joe had one of those unique “light bulb” moments and his thoughts wondered back to his days of drawing, sketching and generally creating a different kind of art. This rare poignant moment in 1976 stayed with Joe and his unnerving craving to return to the artists easel was absolute.

After enjoying a wonderful holiday in South Africa, Joe made the Country his new home and has resided by the South African shores since 1980. Returning to his original roots of Carpentry, Joe established a business, which required a serious work ethic, in order to build a regular customer base and although little time was available to pursue his drawing techniques, every spare minute of leisure time would be spent drawing. The ultimate realisation of his dreams comes now with the exclusive use of his artwork for the stylish brand MoooNiac.

Since 1980 Joe has been designing and drawing in a variety of art forms. By experimenting with different styles, Joe has developed a unique flair of images which invariably focuson life around us yet which many are oblivious to. From the rolling tumbling landscape of mountains, trees, ocean, and it’s elements of every day life on planet Earth, Joe catches and holds his vision.

His drawings reflect the images as he interprets them, often not knowing what may come to life as he sits alongside the unlived and blank medium. The stark naked beauty of all things is not only captured but reflected with a willowy and haunting beauty. Joe’s impressions reflect a man, who thinks, feels and sees. It is a mirror to the world all around us, as he sits on the edge of life and captures that which many of us never touch. Joe paints the truth and does not betray the voyeur with lies or illusions.

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